My first blog

I am Sandhya and this is my first ever write up so far.  I am a mother of two and my daughters have always found  that  I can write. But  I was not sure as I would always write in my mother tongue, so writing in English literally scared me off. I may get ridiculed  for my bad English and bad writing skills but now that am 60, I thought I should give it a try as nobody knows what’s  going  to happen tomorrow. You should live your  life today. One should try everything they like to do before you get too old  to try it. Thankfully, writing doesn’t depend on age, I can write till my eyes, brain and hands support. It’s always true  that it’s better late than never.


Author: sandhya122510

A homemaker, mother of two daughters, loves to read and write

5 thoughts on “My first blog”

  1. I don’t know what your native tongue may be, but you handled English better that a lot of people that supposedly speak it as a primary language. You conveyed what you were trying to say in a way I understood, and while I did have to process some of it more because of you not being as comfortable with the language, I think you’ll get better with practice.

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    1. I am an Indian. I come from southern part of India. My daughters and granddaughter told me the same thing that I can get better with practice. But this will take time I guess as I still have to learn things on WordPress. In other words I need to get familiar with technology and how it works. And thank you for appreciating my first effort.

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